Title: The
Tagline: Rest in Pieces.
Storyline: The Don
Martorano is dead. The two Martorano brothers Louis and Luigi sit and have a
conversation about the death of their father. The outcome of the conversation
was to take revenge on the killer that had murdered Don Martorano. The brothers
check their father’s diary to find all of the other families which were
enemies. They enter every family and invade their property to kill the Don.
Once they have taken out all of the enemies, Louis finds out that his brother
Luigi was the one who killed his father just to become the don of the Martorano
family. Finally, Louis pretends to forgive Luigi but then violently kills him.
Louis Martorano becomes the Don and runs the family.
This is a familiar film to ‘The Godfather’.
The target audience is aimed at 12-25 year olds.
The main characters are the two brothers Luigi and Louis.
The setting is south Italy and in a quiet area.
Log line: Don Martorano is murdered and his sons
Luigi and Louis are taking revenge on the killer who was responsible for the
death of their father so therefore they both take down all the enemies and at
the end Louis finds out that his brother was the one who killed their father so
he kills him and takes over the Martoranos family.